Instituto Nacional de Las Mujeres

Instituto Nacional de Las Mujeres


Your search returned 6 results.

Women of Japan: conditions and policies by Language: Spanish
Publication details: [S.l.] , [S.l.] : Prime Minister's Office, 1980
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Centro de Documentación Luisa González Gutiérrez (1)Call number: 10.05.00/1-0765.

Temas sobre Japón: la educación en el Japón by Language: Spanish
Publication details: [S.l.] , [S.l.] : Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, 1979
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Centro de Documentación Luisa González Gutiérrez (1)Call number: 06.02.01/1-0912.

National Report of the Government of Japan the Fourth World Conference on Women Language: English
Publication details: [S.l.] , [S.l.] : [S.e.], 1994
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Centro de Documentación Luisa González Gutiérrez (1)Call number: 08.02.01/1-2518.

Texbook for the seminar for senior officersof national machineries for the advancement of women by Language: Spanish
Publication details: [S.l.] , [S.l.] : [S.e.], 1994
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Centro de Documentación Luisa González Gutiérrez (1)Call number: 10.05.00/1-3596.

Seminar on promotion of gender equality, 2 by Language: English
Publication details: [S.l.] , [S.l.] : Japan International Cooperation Agency, 2000
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Centro de Documentación Luisa González Gutiérrez (1)Call number: 10.05.00/1-7837.

Fifth periodic report on implementation of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Japan Language: English
Publication details: [S.l.] , [S.l.] : [S.e.], 2002
Online access:
Availability: Items available for loan: Centro de Documentación Luisa González Gutiérrez (1)Call number: 10.05.00/1-7851.


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